Thank you for choosing to make a difference in Brooklyn!

Volunteers are an integral part of our operations and their commitment to service is invaluable here at CHiPS. We depend on our loyal and hardworking volunteers to provide our guests with daily meals and other services. We cannot feed hungry folks without their support!

We encourage companies, organizations, schools, and families to host or participate in our off-site volunteer opportunities by holding food drives for our pantry program, assembling toiletry kits, and preparing sandwiches and other foods for our meals program. Please visit our drives and in-kind donations page for more information.

Interested in Volunteering Opportunities In-Person at CHiPS?

Please note: At this time, all volunteers must be 16+ 

Join our team of volunteers! (Individuals)

Organize a Group Volunteer Event (Corporate and Community Groups)

Need to complete mandated community service hours? Please reach out to to begin the required application process. You must participate in an in-person interview and share any requested documentation.