Named after the founder of the Franciscan Sisters of the Poor, Mother Frances Schervier, the Frances Residence provides transitional homes for prenatal and postpartum women and their infants. Thanks to this shelter at CHIPS, many mothers are now equipped with the tools to handle anything that comes their way.

Program: Once in our care, mothers receive pre-and post-natal support services and assistance in their search for work and permanent housing for up to one year. The residence program helps mothers become self-sufficient by focusing on training in maternal and child health, career development, and ongoing life skills. The Frances Residence coordinates with neighborhood social service agencies to secure permanent affordable housing and explore opportunities for employment.

Accommodation: Our Frances Residence offers fully furnished studio apartments for expecting or single mothers, each with its own kitchen and bathroom and access to our community room. Care is provided around the clock for the residents.

Referrals: Women are referred from neighborhood agencies. Referrals can be made by calling (718) 855-8861. Women must meet the following criteria:

  • a single homeless mother in her last trimester of pregnancy OR
  • a single homeless postpartum mother with her newborn (up to three weeks old).
  • All residents must be at least 18 years of age, drug and alcohol free, and able to live and work in harmony with staff and other residents. Each woman must agree to abide by the policies and rules of the Francis Residence program.

Funding: Donations, grants, and in-kind contributions comprise the largest support for the program.