Interested in making a planned gift? Learn more about your planned giving options below.
Giving from your IRA
Save on your taxes & make a difference at CHiPS!
IRA charitable rollover / qualified charitable distributions
If you are 70 ½ or older, you can give any amount up to $105,000 directly from your IRA to a qualified charitable organization such as CHiPS without having to pay income taxes on the distribution. This gift option is often called an IRA charitable rollover, but you may also see it referred to as a qualified charitable distribution, or QCD for short.
Giving from your IRA at 59 ½ or older
If you are at least 59 ½ years old, you can make a gift from your IRA without penalty by taking a distribution. If you itemize your deductions on your tax return, you can take a charitable deduction for the amount of your gift in order to reduce the tax burden of your distribution.
Making a planned gift from your IRA at any age
At any age, you can designate CHiPS as the beneficiary of all or a percentage of your IRA and it will pass to us tax-free after your lifetime. All you have to do is contact your IRA administrator for a change-of-beneficiary form or download the form from your provider’s website.
Note: If you plan to make a gift from your IRA, we encourage you to notify us of the gift.
Donor-Advised Funds
A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting qualified charitable organizations, like CHiPS. Funds that you put into a DAF are invested for tax-free growth, and DAF distributions are 100% tax deductible.
If you have an account with a charitable sponsor, make a grant today with our Federal EIN# 11-2449994. Distributions can be directed to CHiPS at:
Community Help in Park Slope, Inc.
200 4th Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 111
Ask your DAF representative to include your name and address on the distribution so that we can thank you for your support and send you updates on the progress your donation makes possible.
Questions about making a planned gift to CHiPS? Reach out to for more information and further support.

Your decision.
Your legacy.
Consider the difference a legacy gift will make. By including a simple bequest in your will, your decision will help sustain CHiPS’ mission to eliminate food insecurity and homelessness in New York City. You will also become a member of our 1971 Society, named for the year CHiPS was established.
A stated dollar amount
A percentage of your residual estate (what remains after gifts to loved ones and expenses have been paid)
A specific asset, such as securities or other marketable property
If you include CHiPS in your plans, please use our legal name:
Organization: Community in Help Park Slope, Inc.
Address: 200 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Tax I.D.: 11-2449994
Bequest format
“I give and bequeath to Community Help in Park Slope, Inc. (CHiPS), 200 4th Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11217 [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], the securities or other marketable property listed below, to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
Thank you for sustaining the future impact of our programs.
We hope you will notify us directly if you decide to make a bequest by calling Shanice Branch at 718-237-2962 ext. 16, emailing us at or posting a letter to Shanice Branch at the address given in the bequest language. We would like to recognize you as a member of our 1971 Society.