Warmth & Heart

“The food here is really good and I know I can get the help I need.” 

  —Guest Noel

As we begin the countdown to Thanksgiving and officially launch into the beginning of the holiday season, let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact that your gifts make to CHiPS. Take Noel, for example, pictured above. Noel is a relatively new face on our lunch line, but has been living on the streets for years. Candidly, he shared with us that he was “happy and surprised” to realize that CHiPS not only serves six days a week, providing meals he can count on, but also prepares food fresh, in-house. “The food tastes better here than other places.” 

Noel has since become a fixture on our lunch line, patiently waiting on the same line that serves over 225 meals each day now, because he knows that it will be worth it. We are only able to exist because of you. Please donate today to help us to continue to make an impact on Noel’s life, and the lives of the other guests, and Frances Residence mothers we serve. 

Just $25 provides 8 meals at just $3 each, less than a cup of coffee. A gift of $566 shelters 2 Frances Residence families for 1 month–we are currently welcoming new mothers and a donation of this amount would greatly lighten their burden. This holiday season, join us in making an impact on the guests and residents who depend on us 365 days a year. Please visit our donate page to give today.